Tutorial: Setup Site-To-Site VPN with OpenVPN, Unifi Security Gateway and Ubuntu

Here is some experience around the setup of an OpenVPN site-to-site connection from Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS to UniFi Security Gateway (USG) written down.


UniFi Security Gateway
Public IP address1.1.1.1
Local subnet192.168.1.0/24
Local IP address192.168.1.1
Ubuntu 20.4.2 LTS
Public IP address4.4.4.4
Local subnet
Local IP address192.168.4.1

To setup an OpenVPN site-to-site VPN on the UniFi Security Gateway access is needed to the UniFi Network Controller 6.0.45 console. To generate the needed preshared key you need access to the USG using SSH. These steps are based on the UniFi Network Controller 6.0.45 and the Classic UI.

Preshared Key

  1. Connect to the USG using SSH, e.g.
    $ ssh user@
  2. Generate the OpenVPN preshared key
    $ generate vpn openvpn-key /tmp/ovpn
  3. Copy the key between
    —–BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1—–
    —–END OpenVPN Static key V1—–
    and remove the newlines for the USG configuration.
  4. Save the whole /tmp/ovpn file content for the Ubuntu configuration.

UniFi Security Gateway Configuration

  1. Login to the UniFi Network Controller and open the Settings in the Classic UI
  2. Open “Networks” and press
  3. Select “Site to Site VPN” as purpose and choose OpenVPN as type. Fill in the form as showed in the picture below. The preshared key we generated in the last section can now be entered here.
  4. Save the network
USG configuration

Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS Configuration

Access the Linux on a shell. You will need sudo permissions.Install OpenVPN

Install OpenVPN

$ sudo apt install openvpn

Enable IP Forwarding

$ sudo cat >> /etc/sysctl.conf << EOF
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1
net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0
net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0

$ sudo sysctl -p

Configure Firewall

Add the following text at the beginning of the file /etc/ufw/before.rules before everything else:



$ sudo ufw disable
$ sudo ufw enable

OpenVPN Configuration File

Create the configuration file /etc/openvpn/server/demo-vpn.conf with the following content:

# Sample OpenVPN configuration file for
# office using a pre-shared static key.
# '#' or ';' may be used to delimit comments.

# Use a dynamic tun device.
# For Linux 2.2 or non-Linux OSes,
# you may want to use an explicit
# unit number such as "tun1".
# OpenVPN also supports virtual
# ethernet "tap" devices.
dev tun42



script-security 3

# Our up script will establish routes
# once the VPN is alive.
up ./demo-configure-routes.up

# Our pre-shared static key
secret demo-preshared.key

# OpenVPN 2.0 uses UDP port 1194 by default
# (official port assignment by iana.org 11/04).
# OpenVPN 1.x uses UDP port 5000 by default.
# Each OpenVPN tunnel must use
# a different port number.
# lport or rport can be used
# to denote different ports
# for local and remote.
;port 1194

# Downgrade UID and GID to
# "nobody" after initialization
# for extra security.
; user nobody
; group nobody

# If you built OpenVPN with
# LZO compression, uncomment
# out the following line.
; comp-lzo

# Send a UDP ping to remote once
# every 15 seconds to keep
# stateful firewall connection
# alive.  Uncomment this
# out if you are using a stateful
# firewall.
; ping 15

# Uncomment this section for a more reliable detection when a system
# loses its connection.  For example, dial-ups or laptops that
# travel to other locations.
ping 15
ping-restart 45

# Verbosity level.
# 0 -- quiet except for fatal errors.
# 1 -- mostly quiet, but display non-fatal network errors.
# 3 -- medium output, good for normal operation.
# 9 -- verbose, good for troubleshooting
verb 3

Save the content of the generated OpenVPN key (/tmp/ovpn on USG) to the file /etc/openvpn/server/demo-preshared.key

Create the file /etc/openvpn/server/demo-configure-routes.up with the following content:

route add -net netmask gw $5

and make it executable

$ sudo chmod +x /etc/openvpn/server/demo-configure-routes.up

Finishing up

Start the VPN with

$ sudo systemctl start openvpn-server@demo-vpn.service

To inspect the status call:

$ sudo systemctl status openvpn-server@demo-vpn.service

To start the site-to-site VPN at boot:

$ sudo systemctl enable openvpn-server@demo-vpn.service

Test the VPN

Try ping the USG through the tunnel:

$ ping


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